How to clean pool filter?

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How To Clean Pool Filter? (BEST Pool Filter Cleaner) - 2024

Last Updated on December 20th, 2023

Find the best pool filter cleaner that will make your pool sparkle and shine. Read our top picks now!

Are you looking for the best pool filter cleaner on the market? Then Look no further!

As an expert in this field, we’re here to tell you why choosing the right pool filter is necessary. Pool filters are essential in keeping your water clean and free of debris; if they’re properly maintained, they will need to do their job correctly.

That’s why you must choose a reliable and effective pool filter cleaner. This article will discuss which products meet these criteria and provide our top recommendations.

So let’s get started!

Types of Pool Filters:

When it comes to pool filter cleaners, the first step is choosing the right filter for your needs. Depending on your budget and pool size, several options are available, ranging from simple cartridge filters to more intricate sand or diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filters.

Cartridge filters are a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable solution with low maintenance requirements; they only need to be cleaned every 4-6 weeks.

Sand filters require backwashing every few months and occasionally replacing the sand but offer higher filtration efficiency than cartridges.

If you want maximum filtration performance with minimal effort, D.E. filters provide superior cleaning power and are easy to maintain; however, they can come at a high cost due to their complexity.

Ultimately, the best option will depend on what kind of filtering system you have in place and how often you plan on using it. With so many different types out there, understanding each one’s capabilities will help ensure that you make the right choice for your specific needs.


How Often Should You Clean Your Pool Filter?

You should clean your pool filter at least once a month, but the frequency depends on your filter type.

If you’ve got a sand filter, you’ll likely need to backwash more often than if you’ve got a cartridge filter. Use the right cleaning supplies for your filter type for the best results.

Cleaning Frequency:

It’s essential to be diligent in filter maintenance, which is key to keeping your pool water clean and safe.

How often you should clean your filter depends on how much it gets used; if there are a lot of swimmers or debris entering the pool more frequently, you’ll need to clean it more often than usual.

But generally speaking, for optimal water quality, aim to clean your filter every two weeks at least. Regular cleaning and proper filter care ensure that your swimming pool remains free from dirt and bacteria all season long!

Pool Filter Type:

Now that you know how often to clean your filter, let’s discuss the filter type you should use.

The size and type of filter depend on the size and shape of your pool; if it’s too small or big for the right-sized filter, it will work less effectively.

That’s why it’s important to get the proper sizing when it comes to filters; improper sizing can lead to ineffective filtration, which could result in poor water quality.

On top of this, some filters require more maintenance than others, depending on their design, so be sure to factor this into your decision-making.

With proper knowledge of filter sizing and maintenance, you’ll have a swimming pool that is both safe and enjoyable!

Cleaning Supplies:

Now that you know how to choose the right size and type of filter, let’s talk about the cleaning supplies you’ll need.

Chemical safety is key when dealing with pool filtration systems, so it’s important to use products from reliable brands specifically designed for filter maintenance.

Make sure these chemicals are compatible with your filter type, and some require more specialized cleaners than others, so be sure to ask a professional if you need clarification.

It’s also essential to consider any local regulations regarding chemical safety since these vary by location.

 How To Clean A Sand Filter?

Backwashing your sand filter is the first step in cleaning it; it’s important to do it correctly to ensure the filter does its job.

Rinse the filter afterward to remove any debris that may have been left behind, and then recharge it with fresh sand to get it running like new.

1- Backwash:

Finally, you need to backwash your sand filter. This is an essential part of proper filter maintenance and will help protect the life of your pool equipment.

Backwashing involves reversing the flow of water through your filtration system and flushing out accumulated debris from the sand bed.


To do this, you’ll need to drain some of the water from your pool first before beginning the backwashing process.

Once complete, be sure to check all connections for any signs of leakage or damage as a result of draining and refilling the pool after backwashing.

2- Rinse:

Now that your filter is back-washed and the water chemistry is in balance, it’s time to rinse.

This step will help remove any remaining debris from the filtration system.


To do this, turn off the pump and rinse the sand bed with a garden hose until all visible debris has been removed.

Ensure you’re careful not to disturb or damage any connections during this process.

Once done, your filter maintenance is complete!


Now that you’ve gotten the filter backwashed and rinsed, it’s time to recharge.


To do this, start by selecting a filter media based on your pool size and needs.

Make sure you choose one with a high filtration rating for maximum efficiency.

Once selected, add the new filter media into the sand bed of your filter system according to the instructions provided in its packaging.

Then turn on the pump and run it until all air is removed from the system before turning it off.

With proper selection and maintenance, your sand filter will continue running properly for years!

How To Clean A Cartridge Pool Filter In 4 Easy Steps

Here are the simple steps to follow

Step 1- Gather Supplies

Before you start any filter maintenance job, you’ll need the right supplies.

As an experienced pool filter cleaner, I can tell you that cartridge filters come in many types and sizes, so it’s important to ensure you have the correct size of replacement cartridges.

Additionally, pick up a quality cleaning solution specifically designed for filter maintenance, and remember your garden hose with nozzle!

Having these items ready will ensure your work is done quickly and efficiently.

Step 2- Rinse the Filter

Once you have the supplies, it’s time to rinse the filter.

This is important in maintaining water quality and keeping your pool healthy.

Start by removing the filter from its housing and placing it into a bucket of clean water.

Then use your garden hose with a nozzle attachment to thoroughly spray down each side of the cartridge until all debris has been washed away.

Finally, leave the filter submerged in a bucket of clean water for several hours before reinstalling it into its housing.

Step 3- Soak Filter:

Once you’ve given the filter a good rinse, it’s time to soak.

This is an important step that should be considered, as different types of filters have varying recommended soak times.

Depending on what type of filter your pool uses, consult with its manual for the exact amount of time it should remain submerged in clean water before being reinstalled into its housing.

Follow these instructions closely and, if possible, leave your filter soaking overnight – this will ensure any remaining particles are removed from the cartridge.

Step 4- Reinstall Filter:

Reinstall the cartridge into the filter housing and reconnect the filter pump. Turn the filter pump back on and check the pressure gauge to make sure there are no air leaks.

This process should be repeated on a regular basis to ensure your filter is working properly.

How To Clean A D.E. Pool Filter In 5 Steps:

To get the best results, preparing the filter properly before you start cleaning it is important. And when you’re done, remember to reassemble, test, and dispose of the waste correctly.

Preparing The Filter

To get the best cleaning results possible, it’s important to properly prepare your filter before starting.

Depending on what type of filter you have – cartridge or D.E. (diatomaceous earth), there are different steps to take in preparation.

For a D.E., check the water quality, too; if it’s not good enough, this could affect how effective the cleaner is when used.

After gathering all necessary supplies and turning off the power to the pump, disconnecting hoses from both sides of the tank is also essential for easily cleaning your pool filter.

Finally, inspect any components that may need repair or replacement, and be sure you’re prepared for whatever comes up during maintenance!

Cleaning The Filter:

Once you’ve prepped your filter and gathered the necessary supplies, it’s time to start cleaning!

For a D.E., check the water quality beforehand to help ensure the filter maintenance goes off without a hitch.

When you’re ready for the actual cleaning process, begin by shutting off any openings in the filter system so as to prevent debris from getting into other areas of the pool.

Next, use a brush or vacuum cleaner attachment to remove dirt and debris from all surfaces of both sides of the tank.

Finally, rinse out any excess material with a hose before reconnecting hoses and restoring power to the pump – now your pool is clean and ready for summer fun!

5 Best Hand-Picked and Tested Filter Cleaners for you

Product 1: Hth 67025 Filter Cleaner Care For Swimming Pools


Using the HTH 67025 filter cleaner is easy; add it to your pool filter and let it do its thing!

It’s proven effective, leaving your pool filter cleaner than ever.

The best part about it? It’s an absolute value for your money, so you don’t have to worry about spending too much.

Ease Of Use:

The HTH 67025 Filter Cleaner Care for Swimming Pools is a top choice for ease of use. It’s cost-effective and offers a detergent selection, so you get just the right amount of cleaning power, no matter what size pool filter you have.

Plus, this cleaner doesn’t require extra tools or a complicated setup; follow the instructions, and you’ll be on your way to crystal-clear water in no time!


When it comes to effectiveness, the HTH 67025 Filter Cleaner Care for Swimming Pools is a great choice.

It’s designed to work on all types of pool filters, no matter how large or small, and can be used with regular cleaning frequency. So you don’t have to worry about over-cleaning your filter and wasting time and money!

Plus, it effectively cleans out dirt particles and other debris that could damage your filter over time.


When it comes to value, this product takes a lot of work to beat. It’s cost-effective and provides excellent cleaning solutions without breaking the bank.

You can depend on this product to keep your pool filter clean and running smoothly at all times. You won’t have to worry about spending too much on expensive replacement filters or cleaning products.

Author’s Verdict:

I’d highly recommend this product to anyone looking for an easy-to-use pool filter cleaner that won’t break the bank.

Product 2: Essential Values Pool And Spa Filter Cleaners


Ease of use is a must cause nobody wants to spend hours cleaning their filter and struggling with complicated solutions.

That’s why the Essential Values Pool and SPA Filter Cleaner stands out; its easy-to-follow instructions make it effortless for anyone to clean their pool filters in no time!

Not only that, but this product also uses special cleaning solutions specifically designed to work quickly and efficiently, saving you both time and money.

So if you’re looking for an exceptional cleaner that won’t have you breaking your back, look no further than Essential Values Pool Filter Cleaner; perfect for hassle-free filter maintenance.


When it comes to cost-effectiveness, Essential Values Pool and SPA Filter Cleaner shine.

Not only does this cleaner save you time, but it also helps you save money in the long run!

By using special cleaning solutions designed for quick and efficient filter maintenance, you can cut down on your overall costs without sacrificing cleanliness or efficiency.

And with its competitive pricing compared to other cleaners, you won’t have to worry about breaking the bank either – a definite plus when looking for pool filter cleaners.

So if you’re after an easy-to-use yet affordable cleaner that will keep your filters running smoothly, look no further than this product.


When it comes to durability, it is a real winner.

Not only does this cleaner stand up to regular use while providing great cleaning results, but its special formula helps keep filters clean for longer between maintenance cycles, meaning you don’t have to worry about spending more money on frequent filter replacements or other costly repairs.

Its unique blend of ingredients also ensures that your pool stays free from contaminants and debris even after several uses, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for reliable filter maintenance and cleaning tips.

Product 3: Aquatic Hot Tub Filter Cleaner Soak, Pool Filter Cleaner


AquaDoc’s cleaner is top-notch and makes a difference in your filter’s performance. The soak provides an easy, efficient way to ensure your pool filter is working at its peak level.

Aquadoc Cleaner’s Formula:

This amazing product is specifically designed to provide superior cleanliness and chemical care for your filters, ensuring they stay in top-notch condition.

Not only does it quickly dissolve dirt and debris from all types of filter cartridges, but it also provides a simple maintenance process that requires minimal effort.

With its powerful cleaning agents and easy application process, AquaDoc is the way to go when it comes to filter maintenance.

Soak Performance:

When it comes to cleaning your pool filter, performance is key.

AquaDoc offers an unbeatable soak performance that provides deep cleaning and helps extend your filter’s longevity.

The advanced formulation quickly dissolves dirt and debris from all types of filters while providing optimal chemical care for maximum protection against wear and tear.

Plus, its easy-to-apply process means you can return to enjoying crystal-clear water in no time!

So if you’re looking for a powerful filter cleaner with outstanding results, look no further than AquaDoc! 


Product 4: Spa Depot Power Soak Hot Tub


If you’re looking for a pool filter cleaner that’s easy to use and cost-effective, then the Spa Depot Power Soak Hot Tub & Pool Filter Cartridge Cleaner is worth checking out.

As for the cleaning results, the Power Soak does an excellent job of removing dirt and grime from pool filter cartridges, leaving them looking like new.

Ease Of Use

When it comes to ease of use, the Spa Depot Power Soak is a no-brainer; it’s incredibly simple to use and requires minimal effort.

It takes the hassle out of cleaning your filters with its simple design and powerful motor – no more manual scrubbing!

Plus, it helps reduce environmental impact by using less water than other products on the market. This makes this filter cleaner not just effective but also eco-friendly!

When investing in this product, you can go right; it’s an all-in-one solution for efficient and sustainable pool filter maintenance.

Cleaning Results:

Once you’ve got the Spa Depot, it’s time to see what results in it can produce!

The filter maintenance and cleaning methods are very effective; after just one use, your filters will be sparkling clean with minimal effort.

You’ll find that all debris has been removed from the filters, ensuring that your pool is free from unwanted particles.

It’s such an easy process – no scrubbing or chemicals required – so you won’t have to worry about any damage being done to your equipment.

Product 5: Black Diamond Stoneworks Ultimate Spa Filter Cleaner


It’s super easy to use and effective and always impresses us with the results.


When choosing the best pool filter cleaner, Black Diamond Stoneworks Ultimate Spa Filter Cleaner is a clear winner. It’s specifically formulated for d.e. maintenance and cartridge comparison, so you know it will clean your squeaky filters.

This product works fast, delivering results in mere minutes that last up to 6 weeks with just one application; no need to spend hours scrubbing away dirt and grime! Plus, its biodegradable formula won’t harm surrounding plants or animals, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Plus, its biodegradable formula makes it safe for plants and animals, so you can be sure your pool filters are clean without hurting the environment.

So if you’re looking for a reliable, efficient way to keep your pool filters spotless all summer, Black Diamond Stoneworks Ultimate Spa Filter Cleaner is the perfect solution.



1. Can I use my pool filter cleaner on my spa’s filter?

Yes, you can use your pool filter cleaner on your spa’s filter.

2. Do I need to soak my cartridge in the water while using instant filter cartridge cleaners?

No, you do not need to soak your cartridge in water using instant filter cartridge cleaners. These cleaners are specially formulated to work without the need for soaking. Soak the filter cartridge is generally not recommended, as this can damage the filter media and reduce its effectiveness. Instead, follow the instructions on the cleaner bottle for the best results.

3. What safety precautions should I take while using my pool filter cartridge cleaner?

When using a pool filter cartridge cleaner, it is important to wear gloves, safety glasses, and a face mask to protect yourself from any harmful fumes.

4. Can you use vinegar to clean a pool filter?

You can utilize vinegar to freshen up a pool filter.

It’s a simple, effective, and affordable way to keep the filter clean so your pool stays in great shape.

5. Can I soak my pool filter in bleach?

No, you should not soak your pool filter in bleach.

6. Can I use a pressure washer to clean pool filters?

Yes, you can use a pressure washer to clean pool filters.

7. How do you clean algae out of a pool filter cartridge?

To clean algae out of a pool filter cartridge:


The best pool filter cleaner on the market depends on the type of filter and your individual needs.

D.E. filters require more cleaning effort, but I highly recommend Black Diamond Stoneworks Ultimate Spa Filter Cleaner for its superior cleaning power.

For sand filters or cartridge filters, AquaDoc Hot Tub Cleaner Soak or Spa Depot Power Soak are excellent choices as they make cleaning simple and efficient with no special tools required.

Ultimately, finding the right product for you will depend on what kind of filter you have and how often it needs to be cleaned.

By following these guidelines and taking precautions ahead of time, one can ensure that they are using their robotic pool cleaner safely and efficiently while avoiding potential hazards associated with improper use.

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