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How To Choose BEST Robotic Pool Cleaner? (The Ultimate Guide)

Last Updated on June 12th, 2023

Learn how to choose the best robotic pool cleaner for your pool. Get tips on features to consider, budgeting, and performance. Discover the benefits of robotic pool cleaners and find the best one for your needs.

How To Choose A Robotic Pool Cleaner

The right robotic pool cleaner can make all the difference in keeping a swimming pool in top condition. With new technological advancements, there are now more options than ever when it comes to selecting a robotic pool cleaner. This article will provide readers with an overview of how to choose the best robotic pool cleaner for their needs and preferences.

Things To Consider Before Choosing A Robotic Pool Cleaner

When selecting a robotic pool cleaner, there are numerous aspects to consider.

Things To Consider Before Choosing A Robotic Pool Cleaner

1- Pool Floor Material

When selecting a robotic pool cleaner, it is essential to consider the material of your pool floor. Some robots are designed for soft surfaces such as vinyl or plaster, while others can handle more complex materials like concrete and tile.

Depending on your surface type, you may need to purchase an additional attachment for your robot to keep it functioning correctly. Some models are incompatible with certain types of pools, so checking with the manufacturer before purchasing is important.

Robotic cleaners explicitly made for hard surfaces usually feature larger brushes and stiffer bristles, which can tackle tougher dirt and debris more effectively than those designed for softer surfaces.

When looking at different models, pay attention to the brush size and strength since this will help determine how well your robot functions on various surfaces throughout its lifetime.

2- Pool Shape

The shape of one’s pool needs to be considered when buying a robotic cleaner.

In-ground pools come in three main shapes

I. Rectangular

II. Oval

III. round

Rectangular-shaped pools are best suited for standard suction cleaners as the constant straight edges allow for an effective cleaning pattern. Oval and round-shaped pools require a pressure side or robotic cleaner to navigate curves without interruption.

Robotic cleaners are also ideal for irregularly shaped pools, such as those with attached spas or multiple levels. The navigation technology these machines use allows them to clean intricate areas that would otherwise remain uncleaned using traditional methods. Additionally, they provide superior coverage to other types of cleaners due to their ability to move freely throughout the entire space. Thus, it is vital to choose a robotic cleaner that will fit the size and shape of your specific pool to achieve optimum performance.

3- Pool Size

The cleaner must suit the size and shape of the pool cleaned. Smaller pools, such as those less than 14 feet long, can be serviced by most standard-sized robotic cleaners.

However, larger pools require more powerful models with more potent suction and extended filtration systems. For example, pools greater than 15 feet will generally need high-capacity filters and more advanced cleaning technologies, such as multiple scrubbing brushes or extra broad vacuum heads.

Additionally, it is also critical to account for any obstacles within the pool, such as steps and ladders, which may impact the ability of the robot to clean all areas thoroughly and effectively. Therefore, when selecting a model, you should ensure it has sufficient power and features to cover its specific pool environment.

4- Filtration Capabilities

Filtration helps keep your pool clean and free from debris that can be hazardous for swimmers. There are two types of filters used in robotic pool cleaners:

Filtration Capabilities Pool cleaner

I. Cartridge filters

Cartridge filters use paper-based materials to capture dirt particles and other contaminants while allowing water to pass through them more quickly than with a bag filter.

II. Fine mesh bags

Bag filters are made from a fine mesh fabric that traps smaller particles than a cartridge filter, providing higher levels of filtration but requiring more frequent cleaning or replacement.

Additionally, some models come equipped with additional features, such as adjustable pressure settings, which allow you to customize the amount of suction power needed for optimal results.

Wrap up

When selecting a robotic pool cleaner, it is essential to pay close attention to each model’s filtration capabilities and adjustability options to ensure maximum hygiene and efficiency.

5- Programming And Scheduling

Appropriate filtration capabilities are important when selecting a robotic pool cleaner, but so are programming and scheduling options. A good quality robotic pool cleaner should come with multiple cleaning cycles and provide users with adjustable settings for optimal performance.

Cleaning cycles can include spot cleaning, wall climbing, debris scrubbing, full-coverage cleaning, weekly deep cleanings, and more. Also, they should allow users to program specific days of the week or times that they wish their robot to run its cycle.

The convenience of having an automated schedule allows owners to relax, knowing that their pool will be taken care of without them having to remember or physically set up anything. Having a customizable cleaning solution also means that it can easily adapt to different types of pools and various levels of dirtiness to deliver effective results each time.

Furthermore, many robots offer mobile control via apps allowing users even greater flexibility over their device’s operation from anywhere at any time.

6- Suction Power

Suction Power Robotic Pool Cleaner

When choosing a robotic pool cleaner, it is crucial to make sure that it has enough power to suck up debris from the bottom and sides of the pool. A good rule of thumb is to get a cleaner with at least three times the size of your swimming pool’s surface area in gallons per minute (GPM).

You should also consider what kind of debris you may be cleaning out of your pool, as heavier objects require more powerful suction. For example, if leaves or sticks are on the bottom or sides of your pool, you should opt for a higher GPM before making a purchase decision.

And if you have above-ground or vinyl liner pools, having a higher GPM will help reduce wear and tear on these surfaces over time due to excessive vacuuming pressure from lower-powered robots.

7- Micron Value

The micron refers to the size of particles that can be vacuumed up. A lower micron rating means it can pick up smaller debris and dirt, while a higher number indicates more coarse filtering capabilities.

Most robotic pool cleaners have a micron rating between 0-20, though some models may have ratings as low as 8 or 10. The finer the filtration, the better the cleaning performance will be overall.

8- Power Washing Jets

Robotic pool cleaners are equipped with power washing jets that quickly remove debris, dirt, and other particles from the pool. The jets also help break down oils and other residues, which would otherwise be hard to clean manually.

Power Washing Jets cleaner

These powerful jets move around the pool’s surface at high speeds, ensuring a thorough cleaning. They can reach spots manual cleaning cannot, such as corners and floor crevices. Furthermore, they penetrate beneath water line tiles or vinyl liners to eliminate any stubborn build-up on the walls or floors of the swimming pool.

In addition to these features, some robotic pool cleaners have adjustable suction power settings so you can match them to your specific needs. This helps ensure an effective and efficient cleaning process for small and large pools.

9- Warranty

An extended warranty can offer peace of mind and protection against potential problems for years after purchase. Depending on the model chosen, warranties may range from one year up to four years in length.

Moreover, some companies also provide additional support, such as local service centers, which can help with repairs if needed. It is important to read through the terms and conditions of each company’s warranty policies before making a purchase decision.

10- Quality Build

A good-quality robotic pool cleaner should be constructed with solid and durable materials that are resistant to wear and tear over time. It should have well-constructed motors and reliable components that will last years without needing to be replaced or repaired.

A high-quality robotic pool cleaner should come with seals and gaskets that prevent water from leaking out of the device while in operation.

11- Budget

After considering the quality of the build, budget is another critical factor to consider when choosing a robotic pool cleaner. Knowing how much money one can reasonably spend on an automated cleaning device will significantly narrow the list of available products.

It is easy for the consumer to become overwhelmed with all the options that are out there; however, having a fixed budget in mind simplifies this process.

Regarding cost, robotic pool cleaners range from $200 to $2000. The price usually reflects features such as suction power, type of filter used, convenience, and energy efficiency ratings.

Generally, if someone is looking for essential functions without many bells and whistles, they can get by spending less than $1000, while those who want the best performance or latest technology should expect to pay more.

Very Useful Link: How To Fix a Polaris Pool Cleaner?


When choosing a robotic pool cleaner, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost is the material of the pool floor. Specific cleansers may be more suitable than others, depending on whether the pool is made of concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl.

Additionally, the pool’s shape and size should also be considered when making a purchase decision. Furthermore, buyers should evaluate filtration capabilities, power washing jets, and warranties offered by different models. Quality build is another important factor that can impact the performance and longevity of any robotic pool cleaner model. Lastly, one’s budget must also be considered before choosing an ideal robotic pool cleaner for their swimming pool needs.

With all these aspects in mind, you can make an informed and reasonable decision about which type of robot vacuum will best suit your requirements.


1. What is the difference between a suction side and a robotic pool cleaner?

Suction-side pool cleaners use the suction created by the pool’s pump to suck up dirt and debris from the pool floor and walls and deposit it in the pool’s filter system. Robotic pool cleaners, on the other hand, have their own motor and filter system and are powered by electricity.

2. Do I need a robotic pool cleaner?

Whether or not you need a robotic pool cleaner depends on the size and shape of your pool, how often it is used, and the amount of debris that accumulates in it. If you have a pool that is used often and prone to collecting large amounts of leaves and other debris, a robotic pool cleaner may be the right choice.

3. Do robotic pool cleaners pick up algae?

Robotic pool cleaners are effective at picking up algae. They are equipped with brushes that scrub the pool walls and floor, dislodging the algae. The robotic cleaner collects the algae and any other debris and deposits it in its own filter system.

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